
Anna Du’s Ocean Particle Simulation System


This is my science project to simulate microplastics movement in the ocean environment. The work is based on NASA’s ECCO Dataset.


Global Video

Global Example

Single Tile Video

| Tile 11 | Tile 3 | |———|——–| | Single Tile Example: Tile 10 | Single Tile Example: Tile 2 |



  1. Anaconda Python 3

  2. Nasa ECCO Python Package. ECCOv4-py should be installed under home directory or any directory in system environment variable PYTHONPATH.

  3. NASA ECCO Dataset. This simulator uses Version 4 Release 4. The default location is in ~/eccodata/


Input file

The simulator takes an input file that specifies inital particle location in .csv format. Each row represents a particle with format of tile,x,y,k where k can be omitted (by default 0), where tile is 0-12, x and y are 1-89 and k is 0-49. See ECCO Illustration ECCO Illustration

Simulate 1027 particles and plot the global map

python3 ocean_particle_simulator.py input-1027p.csv --plot-all-lonlat

Simulate 50 particles in tile 10 and plot only tile 10

python3 ocean_particle_simulator.py input-50p --plot-1tile 10

Simulate 1027 particles and adjust initial k speed to 0.2, and fudge factor 20%, without plotting

python3 ocean_particle_simulator.py input-1027p.csv --kvel 0.2 --fudge-pct 20 --only-compute

Use a previously computed result to plot a tile 2 video

python ocean_particle_simulator.py results_input-1027p_f30kv0.15 --only-plot --plot-1tile 2